
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Needed Paragraph For Part III

The message that I am trying to send in my comps will be that an earthquake had hit. Earthquakes cause disruption and cause things to move so nothing will be perfectly in line with each other. Lives were threatened and I will demonstrate this in my work by making some groups of work seem dominated over bigger/bolder font.
To be able to achieve my goal in showing an 'earthquake', I want to...
·       shift the letters.
·       I want to stay away from making the letter too straight or else this will show too much stability.
·       I want to play with the placement of the group of words so that I can show chaos YET I also want to be careful with legibility.
·       The earthquake font is having the stencil typeface
To be able to achieve my goal in showing Japan's powerlessness, I want to...
·       Make some of the words tiny (not microscopic though) because tiny often refers to being weak and suppressed by something much BIGGER
·       I may want the font to be surrounded just to show the same relationship that Japan's people had to deal with; they couldn't escape the havoc
·       I want to give the 'Japan' group of font Maiandra GD since this isn't as bold as Stencil

1 comment:

  1. Ok lets see some great roughs - you have so much potential
