
Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Yeah, I know. I know. =__= I still haven't put my roughs and crap up yet. I'll get to it, don't worry =___= In the mean time, look at my 'pretty' comps. They just 'sparkle' with greatness. =___=
Yeah, I'm going to bed now - see you all in the morning.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Roughs For Threat's Headline and Body Para

I really hate the new way that Blogger has uploaded images, I preferred it when they would show the actual image rather than html coding. Anyways, these are my roughs. I had left my pencil marks on for a reason to show my rulers and hopefully show my way of thinking rather than put on letters randomly across the page (except I have found that this does work as this shows movement and disorder at the same time, the exact feeling one gets from an impact made by an earthquake)


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Needed Paragraph For Part III

The message that I am trying to send in my comps will be that an earthquake had hit. Earthquakes cause disruption and cause things to move so nothing will be perfectly in line with each other. Lives were threatened and I will demonstrate this in my work by making some groups of work seem dominated over bigger/bolder font.
To be able to achieve my goal in showing an 'earthquake', I want to...
·       shift the letters.
·       I want to stay away from making the letter too straight or else this will show too much stability.
·       I want to play with the placement of the group of words so that I can show chaos YET I also want to be careful with legibility.
·       The earthquake font is having the stencil typeface
To be able to achieve my goal in showing Japan's powerlessness, I want to...
·       Make some of the words tiny (not microscopic though) because tiny often refers to being weak and suppressed by something much BIGGER
·       I may want the font to be surrounded just to show the same relationship that Japan's people had to deal with; they couldn't escape the havoc
·       I want to give the 'Japan' group of font Maiandra GD since this isn't as bold as Stencil

Monday, April 4, 2011


The last video that I will put up for today. This is a spoof, but sadly I don't think that I watched this video.
I actually feel proud though hearing the guy yell at the Prosecutor.
The Few, The Brave, The Designer

Don't Wait - Make People's Eyes Suffocate...NOW!!!

An important insight when doing the last part of the project. Don't make everything HUGE and be smart with the space that you are given. Don't just make random blotches here and there just for the hell of it. That is unless you want it to look like crap =____=


This might not be funny to all of you, but I am starting to get to this point. And if it isn't funny NOW then watch this five years from now when you are making projects for clients and bosses. THEN you will find this funny because you know her pain. 

I think that this might be what Angela was talking about when she was saying that people focus more on negative critiques rather than giving out positive. They did A LOT of hard work on it and yet people can NEVER seem to be satisfied with what they are given.

Here is one comment about the video and I agree with it completely.

Yup, this is pretty much what you have to deal with if you’re a graphic designer.  Everyone fights over you and your time, the deadlines, and everyone is an expert… except for you, of course.  The individual with the actual design degree.  Despite the crappy acting, this video is worth a couple of chuckles.
And yeah… if you use Comic Sans or Papyrus fonts, you need a serious reality check.

Designer Shirts

Found these all at a Designer blog. If you happen to be interested in buying them then I will give you a link to the place. They have a little more than these, but I tried to pick out the shirts that are specifically geared towards Typography.

As a side note, I never realized that professional designers HATE Papyrus and Comic Sans SO MUCH. I better make a note to myself about that.